More Pictures of the Season

Today comes part two of the fall colors picture series. In the past week, the green of Kamikōchi has faded even more into various shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown. It is now peak viewing season, and the various areas of Kamikōchi provide all kinds of different views.

The Beautiful Colors of Fall

As you can see, the colors really have become quite varied.

What a Beautiful Walk

In the above picture at Konashidaira, the colors of these Japanese elms (harunire) and Japanese cherries (sakura) are truly spectacular.

Beautiful Yellow and Green

A walk through the forest lets you shuffle your feet through the fallen leaves. I love that crackling sound and the smell in the air. It gives me a really relaxed feeling.

Red and Orange of a Japanese Maple

The difference between the red and orange of this Japanese Maple (ha-uchiwa-kaede) and the bamboo grass (sasa) below makes for a beautiful scene. 

Red Colors of a Japanese Mountain Ash

Here you can see a Japanese mountain ash (nanakamado) in full color.

Yellow of a Japanese Elm

The leaves of this Japanese judas tree (katsura) are now but a faint yellow.

Japanese Larch Needles Turning Yellow

The needles of this Japanese larch (karamatsu) have begun turning yellow and should reach their peak color around the end of this month when they will begin to fall off.

Tashiro-Shitsugen Wetlands

Aside from the normal forest walks and riverside views, a visit to Tashiro-Shitsugen Wetlands merits different scenery. To me, it is relaxing. Here, the thing to see is not so much trees as the dried up grass.

There are still a few more weeks of the season left, so you still have time to visit. Remember that now because the scenery has become so beautiful, there are loads and loads of people coming to see it. If possible a weekday visit will help you avoid large crowds.


Sources of Information:

– Kamikōchi National Park Guide Website (

– National Parks Foundation (