In what had already been a very strange year, an unusually long and cool rainy season has seen Kamikochi’s summer delayed by over a month. Now, as we turn the corner into August, the rainy season finally seems to be nearing its end. This would normally herald the arrival of throngs of visitors from Japan and abroad, but with the cornavirus threat still looming, we expect greatly diminished numbers.

Morning temperatures have ranged from the mid teens to just below 20 degrees Celsius this week, which can feel quite chilly on a damp day. You certainly wouldn’t want to turn up with only shorts and a t-shirt as your sartorial options. Best pack some warmer clothes with rain resistant gear to be on the safe side.
After weeks of looking quite brown, the Azusa River (above) has finally resumed it’s distinctive clear blue appearance. This definitely makes for a better backdrop to the obligatory Kappa Bridge Picture.
Seasonal flora includes the charming but quite poisonous torikabuto (variously called wolf’s bane and monkshood in English). Anyone who’s played the popular video game “Ghost of Tsushima” may have noticed a cameo by the lethal plant. Timely reminder: don’t eat the flowers!

Below are two images of an astilbe (saxifrage family), a flowering plant which is native to mountainous areas in Asia and North America. The brilliant white of the flowers stands out amid fields of lush green.

We realize that for many of our readers, the prospect of visiting Kamikochi is a distant one. In spite of this though, the park’s natural setting remains largely unchanged. If you have had to cancel travel plans, you can perhaps find some solace in the fact that you will have missed the longest, coldest rainy season in recent history. So, there’s that…
As always, we extand a big thank to Five Sense and especially it’s intrepid blogger Ume for once again offering excellent coverage of current conditions in the park. Your contributions to the community have not gone unnoticed!
Source of Information:
Nature Guide: Five Sense, Kamikochi blog: https://fivesense.guide/blog/today/27985/